woman‎Jane Parker‏‎
Born ‎21 Mar 1664 at Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States, died ‎Feb 1720 at Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States‎, age 55 years

Married ‎16 Dec 1687 at Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States, age 23 years (married 25 years) to:

manJohn Isham‏, age by marriage approximately 33 years
Born ‎± 1654, died ‎03 Sep 1713 at Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States‎, age approximately 59 years
manIsaac Isham‏
Born ‎07 Feb 1693 at Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States, died ‎Jul 1771 at Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States‎, age 78 years. Occupation: Farmer

Isaac Isham received one-half of his father's estate and when his brother John went to the Vineyard and later to Connecticut, Isaac assumed or purchased the other half. He lived quietly upon the farm near Osterville (South Sea) during his entire life. He is not mentioned in the town or church records and probably held no civil or military office.

The site of the first John Isham's dwelling was upon Isham's Island, south of Osterville. Mr. Norman N. Isham believed he had discovered the site upon his visit there some years ago. The island is now connected with the mainland. This may be the old house mentioned in the inventory. Some distance inland was a later house, but still old, where perhaps this Isaac Isham or his sons dwelt. It may be inferred from the inventory that Isaac was a considerable owner of not very valuable land, and that as a farmer he was entirely independent of outside
sources. It is clear that he produced his own tobacco, pork and beef upon the farm and that spinning and weaving went on in the house and that shoes for the family were made there. Spinning was the work of the wife and daughters, but weaving was men's work. Probably the seven boys, as they became old and strong enough, were taught to operate the looms. Two saddles seem to imply at least two horses, upon which the parents and perhaps the daughter rode to meetings or elsewhere, while the boys walked. Their house was a long way from the First and Second Meeting Houses in Barnstable, and it is not certain that they attended either of these.

"In the name of God. Amen. I, Isaac Isham, of Barnstable in the County of Barnstable, yeoman, being advanced in years and knowing that it is appointed once to Dye, do this 11th day of March 1754, being by God's Goodness of Sound and disposing mind and memory, make and ordain this my last will and Testament, that is to say, principally and first of all I commit my Soul to God that Gave it and my body to decent Burial. As touching the Worldly Estate that God hath blessed me with, I give, demise and Dispose of the same in the following manner and

Imp. I give and bequeath to my Loving Wife Abigail in Lieu of Dower the use and Improvement of half my estate, real and personal, whilst she remains my Widow, excepting my Husbandry Tools, and in case she marries, my will is that she take a Third part only of the personal, excepting as before and quit any claim to the real.

It. I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Isham, to his heirs and assigns forever, one half of my real Estate of all kinds, only reserving to his mother as above: further I give and bequeath to my said son half my Husbandry Tools. Said Real Estate and personal is on Condition and my will is that he pay half my just debts, funeral charges and half the Legacies given his five Brethren and sisters by these presents in three years after my Decease.

It. I give and bequeath to my son Ebenezer Isham, to his heirs and assigns forever one half of my Real Estate of all kinds, only reserving to his mother as above; further I give and bequeath to my said son the other half of my Husbandry Tools, said Real and Personal Estate is on Condition and my Will is that he pay half my just debts, funeral charges and half the legacies given his five Brethren and sisters by these presents in three years after my decease.

It. I give and bequeath to my sons Isaac, John, Timothy, Joshua and Daniel and to my daughter Abigail Lumbert and to them equally all my personal Estate, money, credits, bonds, excepting my Husbandry Tools and saving as above of one half thereof to their mother, but in case she marries then I give them only two-thirds to be divided as above equally, to each one sixth.

It. I constitute, make and ordain my son Samuel Isham Executor as this my Last Will and Testament, Ratifying and Confirming the same and revoking any other former wills and Testaments. In witness whereof I the said Isaac Isham have hereunto set my hand and seal the aforesaid 11th Day of March, 1754.

Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and Declared by the said Isaac Isham to be his Last will and Testament. Isaac Isham (L.S.)
In the presence of the subscribers James Coleman, Solomon Hamblin, Lemuel Bean.

from the brainard book:
A correction is necessary in the Barnstable record, which states that Isaac Isham married Tha nkful Lumbert. It must be remembered that this record is a copy of the original record, mad e about 1736, in which other errors have been discovered. The emendation is supported by th e following facts. Barnstable records have the marriage Sept. 16, 1715, of Edward Coleman an d Thankful Lumbert and reveal no other Thankful Lumbert save that one. The will of Joshua Lum bert, proved Nov. 2, 1724, names daughter Abigail Isham. The will of Isaac Isham, dated Mar . 11, 1754, mentions wife Abigail. The emendation therefore seems to be justified.@S61@